Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy 3 Years!!

Super late in posting, but absolutely blog worthy! (Thank you blogger for allowing me to make the date whatever I want :) ) We had a few technical difficulties with the camera, but we still managed to get a few pictures :) We really enjoyed our day in our beautiful city of Austin, Texas. Lunch on South Congress, dinner at Oasis, and lots of hot sunshine!

Perla's Seafood - so yummy!

We never get tired of the view at Oasis :)

So hard to believe it's already been 3 years! Looking forward to year number 4 :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Oh Happy Day

Happy Easter!
So I've been dying to blog...but what about? For the last 2 months life has felt, well, normal. Work, work, work, the occasional day off, then work again. I find myself often wondering where God's going with all of this. I find amazing peace in knowing that He has a plan, and get excited about what He has in store for us. Still, it's difficult. Difficult to watch Josef study and stress, difficult to hold on to my inner joy in the face of rude customers and frustration, difficult to understand the countless things in life that just don't make sense to me. I'm a hamster on a wheel and while exhaustion and fatigue seem to be a constant, I feel like I'm still not moving forward at the pace I'm used to. Right now, He has called me to support our family with a job that daily humbles me and it all seems so mundane, so dull.

But today, Zac (one of our pastors) said something that really stuck with me. If we truly believe our Savior is alive, then there are no normal days. Hmmm. No normal days. Instead of "waiting for life to start" or "just getting through it" I should make it a mission of mine to see the adventure in every day. Loving people, using every circumstance both good and bad to grow in the fruits of the spirit and walk a little closer to God. Not one day of this journey is wasted, as long as I am daily dying to myself and surrendering to His much better plan. Today, we celebrate that He is risen, and that should always be enough. I challenge myself, and all of us to wake up tomorrow renewed. To find new purpose and meaning in every single thing we do, and to do it all for His glory.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Test scores are in!!

The face of one "Highly Qualified" in Theatre Arts!!

A few Saturdays ago, at 7:30 am I was standing outside of a high school here in Austin, in the cold, anxiously awaiting my K-12 Theatre Arts state teaching exam. Out of the crowd of people that joined me, there were only 3 of us there for Theatre. (Nice to know there are a few of us out there :)
After attempting to study to the best of my ability, I determined the only possible way multiple choice questions could test me on my knowledge would be to ask an assortment of random tidbits of information. I was right. Some were easy, some were a little tricky, and one or two I'd never even heard of. But, in the end, I only missed a few AND, I answered every question right that tested me on "theatre education" - which I think makes me Super Duper Qualified to educate thank you very much ;) PS. For those of you unfamiliar with teaching lingo- Highly Qualified or "HQ" for short is the official term for being certified in a subject. "Super Duper" is my own personal addition :)

I still have my 8-12 Math exam to take, so keep me in your prayers as I exercise the other side of my brain over these next weeks...

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support, this is such an encouragement and is incredibly exciting!!